Vitamin D helps to maintain healthy bones, teeth, and tissues. It also helps regulate hormones and cell growth. However, many people are deficient in this vitamin because they work indoors or live in regions with less exposure to sunlight.
Its deficiency is also a health problem that impacts people of all age groups, such as muscle weakness, fatigue, and decreased immunity.
Vitamin D is a vital nutrient that helps us with a lot of our body functioning. A healthy diet can help prevent a deficiency, but it also helps treat the condition if you happen to have one.
With medicine, you can also adopt some natural remedies to cure Vitamin D deficiency at home.
It helps the body to absorb calcium and maintain the proper levels of it in the body. It also has other roles such as helping to maintain health-related conditions such as asthma, cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and stroke.
Vitamin D is present in food sources like fish, eggs, milk, and mushrooms. However, for most people getting vitamin from food is not enough to maintain adequate levels in their bodies.
Natural Remedies for Treatment of Vitamin D Deficient Patient:
There are some natural ways you follow to overcome this concerning issue.
Fish and Seafood:
Fish and seafood are the best sources that enrich with Vitamin D. Salmon, both farmed and canned, is an excellent way to meet this need in your body.
If you eat 100g of farmed Atlantic Salmon, you’ll get more than 50% of your daily Vitamin D requirement or 526 IU.
However, wild species provide a high amount, around 988 IU or 124% in 100g intake.
Farmed salmon delivers a low quantity (about 25% to 32%) but is sufficient if added to your diet.
Sardines and herring are other good sources of this nutrient, and they come in raw, frozen, pickled, canned, and smoked forms.
Canned Tuna is the ideal source of Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and Niacin. To keep your nutritional level up, you should eat around 170g of light tuna every week.
Another Nutritious Diet Source:
Egg yolk is high in minerals, vitamins, and protein, all of which contribute to a healthy diet. It contains almost 5% or 37 IU of this natural content.
Mushrooms are the best source of vitamin D2, with 100 g providing around 2300 IU.
Some fortified foods, such as cow milk enriched with calcium, riboflavin, phosphorus, and vitamin D. Its 237ml of cow milk contains 115-130 IU.
Soy milk is rich in minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, with 237ml containing almost 107-117 IU of Vitamin D.
Daily intake of fortified orange use around 237ml provides 100 IU of this natural content.
Fortified cereals and oatmeal contain 54-136 IU of this nutrients element in 78 grams.
Sunlight Exposure:
Daily sunlight exposure of around 15 to 20 minutes maintains Vit D level. If you live in a location where direct or daily exposure is low, consult a doctor about using UV lamps. Be careful when using them and follow the consultant’s instructions.
Windows of your home during sunlight remain open so that it cannot block the sun rays.
Use Vitamin D Supplement:
Vitamin D subdivides into D2 & D3 that originate from plants and animal sources. You can also move toward medication to use its supplement.
Khalid pharmacy has an online store where you can purchase the best and most authentic supplements.